Luonto-Liiton susiryhmän Keeping the Wolf from the Door -selvitys
Luonto-Liiton susiryhmä järjesti keskiviikkona 7.3.2018 Brysselissä Euroopan parlamentissa Achieving Coexistence with Large Carnivores in the EU –suurpetoseminaarin yhdessä Eurogroup for Animals sekä Humane Society International Europe kanssa. Seminaari oli täysi Euroopan parlamentin, komission sekä eri sidosryhmien edustajia. Biologi Mervi Laaksonen esitteli seminaarissa Luonto-Liiton susiryhmän Keeping the Wolf from the Door -selvityksen. Selvitys toimitettiin lisäksi Euroopan komission ympäristöosaston johtaja Humberto Delgado-Rosalle.
“The poaching rate is affected e.g. by the publicity, the presumed
risk of being caught, local nuisances caused by wolves, the presumed
benefits of killing, opportunities to pursue poaching, and
the sense of acting for the benefit of the community. Even though
hunters may wait for the legal permits for a while, in some cases
hunters eventually make use of the situation by culling extra
wolves in connection to legal hunting operations (Suomen Luonto,
2015). This is because locally the expectation may not be the
removal of one wolf but of the whole pack or all individuals. The
wish may be that there are no wolves in the vicinity of residences
or hunting areas.” (Lähde: Keeping the wolf from the door, Analysis of the applications for derogation-based wolf hunting
permits in Finland during the years 2016–2017, Luonto-Liiton susiryhmä / The Wolf Action Group, 2018)
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